avn service connector
Here you’ll find the full list of commands for avn service connector
Manage Apache Kafka® Connect connectors details#
Commands for managing Aiven for Apache Kafka® Connect connectors via avn
avn service connector available
Lists Apache Kafka® Connect connector plugins available in a given Aiven for Apache Kafka® service.
Parameter |
Information |
The name of the Service |
Example: List the Kafka Connect connector plugins available for the service kafka-demo
avn service connector available kafka-demo
avn service connector create
Creates a new Apache Kafka® Connect connector in a given Aiven for Apache Kafka® service.
Parameter |
Information |
The name of the Service |
JSON string or path (preceded by |
Example: Create a new JDBC source Kafka Connect connector in the service kafka-demo
passing the JSON configuation string.
avn service connector create kafka-demo '{
"name": "pg-bulk-invoices-source",
"connector.class": "io.aiven.connect.jdbc.JdbcSourceConnector",
"connection.url": "jdbc:postgresql://demo-pg-myinventedprojectname.aivencloud.com:13039/defaultdb?sslmode=require",
"connection.user": "avnadmin",
"connection.password": "verysecurepassword123",
"table.whitelist": "invoices",
"mode": "bulk",
"poll.interval.ms": "10000",
"topic.prefix": "pg_source_"
avn service connector delete
Deletes an Apache Kafka® Connect connector in a given Aiven for Apache Kafka® service.
Parameter |
Information |
The name of the Service |
Kafka Connect connector name |
Example: Delete the Kafka Connect connector named pg-bulk-invoices-source
in the service kafka-demo
avn service connector delete kafka-demo pg-bulk-invoices-source
avn service connector list
Lists Apache Kafka® Connect connectors in a given Aiven for Apache Kafka® service.
Parameter |
Information |
The name of the Service |
Example: List all Kafka Connect connectors in the service kafka-demo
avn service connector list kafka-demo
An example of avn service connector list
"connectors": [
"config": {
"connection.password": "verysecurepassword123",
"connection.url": "jdbc:postgresql://demo-test-myinventedprojectname.aivencloud.com:13039/defaultdb?sslmode=require",
"connection.user": "avnadmin",
"connector.class": "io.aiven.connect.jdbc.JdbcSourceConnector",
"mode": "bulk",
"name": "pg-bulk-invoices-source",
"poll.interval.ms": "10000",
"table.whitelist": "invoices",
"topic.prefix": "pg_source_"
"name": "pg-bulk-invoices-source",
"plugin": {
"author": "Aiven",
"class": "io.aiven.connect.jdbc.JdbcSourceConnector",
"docURL": "https://github.com/aiven/aiven-kafka-connect-jdbc/blob/master/docs/source-connector.md",
"title": "JDBC Source",
"type": "source",
"version": "6.6.0"
"tasks": []
avn service connector pause
Pauses an Apache Kafka® Connect connector in a given Aiven for Apache Kafka® service.
Parameter |
Information |
The name of the Service |
Kafka Connect connector name |
Example: Pause the Kafka Connect connector named pg-bulk-invoices-source
in the service kafka-demo
avn service connector pause kafka-demo pg-bulk-invoices-source
avn service connector restart
Restarts an Apache Kafka® Connect connector in a given Aiven for Apache Kafka® service.
Parameter |
Information |
The name of the Service |
Kafka Connect connector name |
Example: Restart the Kafka Connect connector named pg-bulk-invoices-source
in the service kafka-demo
avn service connector restart kafka-demo pg-bulk-invoices-source
avn service connector restart-task
Restarts an Apache Kafka® Connect connector task in a given Aiven for Apache Kafka® service.
Parameter |
Information |
The name of the Service |
Kafka Connect connector name |
Kafka Connect connector task id |
Example: Restart the task with id 0
in the Kafka Connect connector named pg-bulk-invoices-source
belonging to the service kafka-demo
avn service connector restart-task kafka-demo pg-bulk-invoices-source 0
avn service connector resume
Resumes an Apache Kafka® Connect connector in a given Aiven for Apache Kafka® service.
Parameter |
Information |
The name of the Service |
Kafka Connect connector name |
Example: Resume the Kafka Connect connector named pg-bulk-invoices-source
belonging to the service kafka-demo
avn service connector resume kafka-demo pg-bulk-invoices-source
avn service connector schema
Retrieves the configuration information for an Apache Kafka® Connect connector plugin in a given Aiven for Apache Kafka® service.
Parameter |
Information |
The name of the Service |
Kafka Connect connector plugin class name |
Example: Retrieve the schema for the Kafka Connect plugin with class io.debezium.connector.sqlserver.SqlServerConnector
belonging to the service kafka-demo
avn service connector schema kafka-demo io.debezium.connector.sqlserver.SqlServerConnector
avn service connector status
Gets an Apache Kafka® Connect connector status in a given Aiven for Apache Kafka service.
Parameter |
Information |
The name of the Service |
Kafka Connect connector name |
Example: Check the status of a Kafka Connect connector named pg-bulk-invoices-source
belonging to the service kafka-demo
avn service connector status kafka-demo pg-bulk-invoices-source
An example of avn service connector status
"status": {
"state": "RUNNING",
"tasks": [
"id": 0,
"state": "RUNNING",
"trace": ""
avn service connector update
Updates an Apache Kafka® Connect connector in a given Aiven for Apache Kafka® service.
Parameter |
Information |
The name of the Service |
Kafka Connect connector name |
JSON string or path (preceded by |
Example: Update a the JDBC source Kafka Connect connector named pg-bulk-invoices-source
in the service kafka-demo
with the JSON configuation string contained in the file kafka-connect-config.json
avn service connector update kafka-demo pg-bulk-invoices-source @kafka-connect-config.json