Get partition details of an Apache Kafka® topic#
Use one of three available approaches to retrieve partition details of an Apache Kafka® topic.
With Aiven console#
In the Aiven Console follow these steps:
Log in to Aiven Console and select your Aiven for Apache Kafka service.
Select Topics from the left sidebar.
Select a specific topic in the Topics screen or click on the ellipsis (More options).
On the Topics info screen, select Partitions to view detailed information about the partitions.
With Aiven API#
Retrieve topic details with an API call using the endpoint to get Kafka topic info.
Learn more about API usage in the Aiven API overview.
With Aiven CLI#
Retrieve topic details by using Aiven CLI commands. Find the full list of commands for avn service topic
in the CLI reference.
For example, this bash script, with a help of jq
utility, lists topics and their details for a specified Apache Kafka service:
cloud=$(avn service get --project $proj $serv --json | jq -r '.cloud_name')
topics=$(avn service topic-list --project $proj $serv --json | jq -r '.[] | .topic_name')
echo "Cloud: $cloud Service: $serv"
for topic in $topics
echo "Topic: $topic"
avn service topic-get --project $proj $serv $topic