Update deprecated resources#

Use the following steps to migrate from resources that have been deprecated or renamed without destroying existing resources.


Backup your Terraform state file terraform.tfstate to use in the case of a rollback.

In the following example, the aiven_database field is migrated to the new aiven_pg_database field for an Aiven for PostgreSQL® service.

  1. Replace references to the deprecated field with the new field. In the following file aiven_database was replaced with aiven_pg_database:

    - resource "aiven_database" "mydatabase" {
        project       = aiven_project.myproject.project
        service_name  = aiven_pg.mypg.service_name
        database_name = "<DATABASE_NAME>"
    + resource "aiven_pg_database" "mydatabase" {
        project       = aiven_project.myproject.project
        service_name  = aiven_pg.mypg.service_name
        database_name = "<DATABASE_NAME>"
  2. View a list of all resources in the state file:

    terraform state list
  3. Remove the resource from the control of Terraform:

    terraform state rm <DEPRECATED_RESOURCE>


    Use the -dry-run flag to preview the changes without applying them.

  4. Add the resource back to Terraform by importing it as a new resource:

    terraform import <NEW_RESOURCE> project_name/service_name/db_name
  5. Check that the import is going to run as you expect:

    terraform plan
  6. Apply the new configuration:

    terraform apply