Fork your service#

Fork your Aiven service in order to make a copy of the service. You can use it to create a development copy of your production environment, set up a snapshot to analyze an issue or test an upgrade, or create an instance in a different cloud/geographical location/under a different plan.

Learn more about service forking.

Fork a service using the console#

  1. Log in to Aiven Console.

  2. Go to your Services, and select the service you want to fork.

  3. On the Overview page of your service, scroll down to Fork Database > New database fork.

  4. In the New Database Fork window, select the new service region and plan.

  5. Select Create fork.


You have now copied your Aiven service.


You can now apply any integrations you may need for the copy.

Fork a service using the Aiven client (CLI)#

  1. Prepare the command to create a new service, this will contain the new copy of your data store.

  2. Add the service_to_fork_from parameter to specify the service to use as the source. Change service type accordingly with -t, run the following command to see available options:

    avn service types

For example, if you want to create a fork of your forker PostgreSQL® service, and name it forked, the command would be something like:

avn service create forked -t pg --plan business-4 -c service_to_fork_from=forker


You have now copied your Aiven service.


You can now apply any integrations you may need for the copy.