Set up logical replication to Aiven for PostgreSQL®#

Aiven for PostgreSQL® represents an ideal managed solution for a variety of use cases; remote production systems can be completely migrated to Aiven using different methods including using Aiven-db-migrate or the standard dump and restore method.

Whether you are migrating or have another use case to keep an existing system in sync with an Aiven for PostgreSQL service, setting up a logical replica is a good way to achieve that. This article goes through the steps of replicating some tables from a self-managed PostgreSQL cluster to Aiven.


These instructions work also with AWS RDS PostgreSQL 10+ and Google CloudSQL PostgreSQL.


These are the placeholders you will need to replace in the code sample:




Hostname of the source PostgreSQL database


Port of the source PostgreSQL database


Database Name of the source PostgreSQL database


Username of the source PostgreSQL database


Password of the source PostgreSQL database


Connection URI of the source PostgreSQL database


You will need:

  • PostgreSQL version 10 or newer.

  • Connection between the source cluster’s PostgreSQL port and Aiven for PostgreSQL cluster.

  • Access to an superuser role on the source cluster.

  • wal_level setting to logical on the source cluster. To verify and change the wal_level setting check the instructions on setting this configuration.


If you are using an AWS RDS PostgreSQL cluster as source, the rds.logical_replication parameter must be set to 1 (true) in the parameter group.

Set up the replication#

To create a logical replication, there is no need to install any extensions on the source cluster, but a superuser account is required.


The aiven_extras extension enables the creation of a publish/subscribe-style logical replication without a superuser account, and it is preinstalled on Aiven for PostgreSQL servers. For more info on aiven_extras check the dedicated GitHub repository. The following example will assume aiven_extras extension is not available in the source PostgreSQL database.

This example assumes a source database called origin_database on a self-managed PostgreSQL cluster. The replication will mirror three tables, named test_table, test_table_2 and test_table_3, to the defaultdb database on Aiven for PostgreSQL. The process to setup the logical replication is the following:

  1. On the source cluster, connect to the origin_database with psql.

  2. Create the PUBLICATION entry, named pub_source_tables, for the test tables:

    CREATE PUBLICATION pub_source_tables
    FOR TABLE test_table,test_table_2,test_table_3
    WITH (publish='insert,update,delete');


    In PostgreSQL 10 and above, PUBLICATION entries define the tables to be replicated, which are in turn SUBSCRIBED to by the receiving database.

    When creating a publication entry, the publish parameter defines the operations to transfer. In the above example, all the INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE operations will be transferred.

  3. PostgreSQL’s logical replication doesn’t copy table definitions, that can be extracted from the origin_database with pg_dump and included in a origin-database-schema.sql file with:

    pg_dump --schema-only --no-publications \
    SRC_CONN_URI                            \
    -t test_table -t test_table_2 -t test_table_3 > origin-database-schema.sql
  4. Connect via psql to the destination Aiven for PostgreSQL database and create the new aiven_extras extension:

  5. Create the table definitions in the Aiven for PostgreSQL destination database within psql:

    \i origin-database-schema.sql
  6. Create a SUBSCRIPTION entry, named dest_subscription, in the Aiven for PostgreSQL destination database to start replicating changes from the source pub_source_tables publication:

      'host=SRC_HOST password=SRC_PASSWORD port=SRC_PORT dbname=SRC_DATABASE user=SRC_USER',
  7. Verify that the subscription has been created successfully. As the pg_subscription catalog is superuser-only, you can use the aiven_extras.pg_list_all_subscriptions() function from aiven_extras extension:

     SELECT subdbid, subname, subowner, subenabled, subslotname
     FROM aiven_extras.pg_list_all_subscriptions();
     subdbid |      subname      | subowner | subenabled | subslotname
       16401 | dest_subscription |       10 | t          | dest_slot
     (1 row)
  8. Verify the subscription status:

    SELECT * FROM pg_stat_subscription;
     subid |      subname      | pid | relid | received_lsn |      last_msg_send_time       |     last_msg_receipt_time     | latest_end_lsn |        latest_end_time
     16444 | dest_subscription | 869 |       | 0/C002360    | 2021-06-25 12:06:59.570865+00 | 2021-06-25 12:06:59.571295+00 | 0/C002360      | 2021-06-25 12:06:59.570865+00
    (1 row)
  9. Verify the data is correctly copied over the Aiven for PostgreSQL target tables

Remove unused replication setup#

It is important to remove unused replication setups, since the underlying replication slots in PostgreSQL forces the server to keep all the data needed to replicate since the publication creation time. If the data stream has no readers, there will be an ever-growing amount of data on disk until it becomes full.

To remove an unused subscription, essentially stopping the replication, run the following command in the Aiven for PostgreSQL target database:

SELECT * FROM aiven_extras.pg_drop_subscription('dest_subscription');

Verify the replication removal with:

SELECT * FROM aiven_extras.pg_list_all_subscriptions();

subdbid  | subname | subowner | subenabled | subconninfo | subslotname | subsynccommit | subpublications
(0 rows)

Manage inactive or lagging replication slots#

Inactive or lagging replication could cause problems in a database, like an ever-increasing disk usage not associated to any growth of the amount of data in the database. Filling the disk causes the database instance to stop serving clients and thus a loss of service.

  1. Assess the replication slots status via psql:

    SELECT slot_name,restart_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots;

    The command output is like:

       slot_name   │ restart_lsn
     pghoard_local │ 6E/16000000
     dest_slot     | 5B/8B0
    (2 rows)
  2. Compare the restart_lsn values between the replication slot in analysis (dest_slot in the above example) and pghoard_local: the hexadecimal difference between the them states how many write-ahead-logging (WAL) entries are waiting for the target dest_slot connector to catch up.


    In the above example the difference is 0x6E - 0x5B = 19 entries

  3. If, after assessing the lag, the dest_slot connector results lagging or inactive:

    • If the dest_slot connector is still in use, a recommended approach is to restart the process and verify if it solves the problem. You can disable and enable the associated subscription using aiven_extras:

      SELECT * FROM aiven_extras.pg_alter_subscription_disable('dest_subscription');
      SELECT * FROM aiven_extras.pg_alter_subscription_enable('dest_subscription');
    • If the dest_slot connector is no longer needed, run the following command to remove it:

      SELECT pg_drop_replication_slot('dest_slot');
  4. In both cases, after the next PostgreSQL checkpoint, the disk space that the WAL logs have reserved for the dest_subscription connector should be freed up.


    The checkpoint occurs only when
    • an hour has elapsed (we use a checkpoint_timeout value of 3600 seconds), or

    • 5% of disk write operations is reached (the max_wal_size value is set to 5% of the instance storage).

For further information about WAL and checkpoints, read the PostgreSQL documentation.


The recreation of replication slots gets enabled automatically for services created or updated as of January 2023. Additional details are outlined in our blog post.

Replication slots are recreated when a maintenance update is applied or a failover occurs (for multi-node clusters), but they are not recovered after major version upgrades.