Migrate to Aiven for PostgreSQL® with aiven-db-migrate#

The aiven-db-migrate tool is an open source project available on GitHub, and it is the preferred way to perform PostgreSQL® database migration.

aiven-db-migrate performs a schema dump and migration first to ensure schema compatibility.

It supports both logical replication, and using a dump and restore process. Logical replication is the default method which keeps the two databases synchronized until the replication is interrupted.

Restrictions on logical replication

Before you use the logical replication method, make sure you know and understand all the restrictions it has. For details, check out Logical replication restrictions.

If the preconditions for logical replication are not met for a database, the migration falls back to using pg_dump.


You can use logical replication when migrating from AWS RDS PostgreSQL® 10+ and Google CloudSQL PostgreSQL.


To perform a migration with aiven-db-migrate:

  • The source server needs to be publicly available or accessible via a virtual private cloud (VPC) peering connection between the private networks.

  • You have a user account with access to the destination cluster from an external IP, as configured in pg_hba.conf on the source cluster.

In order to use the logical replication method, you’ll need the following:

  • PostgreSQL® version is 10 or higher.

  • Sufficient access to the source cluster (either the replication permission or the aiven-extras extension installed). The extension allows you to perform publish/subscribe-style logical replication without a superuser account, and it is preinstalled on Aiven for PostgreSQL servers. See Aiven Extras on GitHub.

  • An available replication slot on the destination cluster for each database migrated from the source cluster.

  1. If you don’t have an Aiven for PostgreSQL database yet, run the following command to create a couple of PostgreSQL services via Aiven CLI substituting the parameters accordingly:

    avn service create --project PROJECT_NAME -t pg -p DEST_PG_PLAN DEST_PG_NAME
  2. Enable the aiven_extras extension in the Aiven for PostgreSQL® target database as written in the dedicated document.

  3. Set the wal_level to logical on source database. Check the following examples for the main managed databases:


    Aiven for PostgreSQL has wal_level set to logical by default

    To review the current wal_level, run the following command on the source cluster via psql

    show wal_level;


The following variables need to be substituted in the aiven-db-migrate calls




Username for source PostgreSQL connection


Password for source PostgreSQL connection


Hostname for source PostgreSQL connection


Port for source PostgreSQL connection


Destination Aiven for PostgreSQL service name


Bootstrap database name for destination PostgreSQL connection


Comma separated list of database names for which to skip the migrations

Perform the migration with aiven-db-migrate#


Running a logical replication migration twice on the same cluster will create duplicate data. Logical replication also has limitations on what it can copy.

Run aiven-db-migrate using the Aiven CLI#

You can initiate a migration to an Aiven for PostgreSQL® service with the Aiven CLI and the following command, substituting the placeholders accordingly:

avn service update --project PROJECT_NAME -c migration.host=SRC_HOSTNAME   \
    -c migration.port=SRC_PORT                                             \
    -c migration.ssl=true                                                  \
    -c migration.username=SRC_USERNAME                                     \
    -c migration.password=SRC_PASSWORD                                     \
    -c migration.dbname=DST_DBNAME                                         \
    -c migration.ignore_dbs=DB_TO_SKIP                                     \


Using avn CLI shows limited status output, to troubleshoot failures please run aiven-db-migrate directly from Python.

Check the migration status using the Aiven CLI#

You can check the migration status using the Aiven CLI and the following call:

avn --project PROJECT_NAME --show-http service migration-status \


There may be delay for migration status to update the current progress, keep running this command to see the most up-to-date status.

The output should be similar to the following, which mentions that the pg_dump migration of the defaultdb database is done and the logical replication of the has_aiven_extras database is syncing:

-----Response Begin-----
    "migration": {
        "error": null,
        "method": "",
        "status": "done"
    "migration_detail": [
        "dbname": "has_aiven_extras",
        "error": null,
        "method": "replication",
        "status": "syncing"
        "dbname": "defaultdb",
        "error": null,
        "method": "pg_dump",
        "status": "done"
-----Response End-----
======  ======  =====
done            null


The overall method field is left empty due to the mixed methods used to migrate each database.

Stop the migration process using the Aiven CLI#

Once the migration is finished, you can stop the related process using the Aiven CLI.


Make sure your migration process is in one of the following state when triggering the removal:

  • done if using pg_dump

  • syncing if using logical replication

Otherwise, removing a migration configuration can leave the destination cluster in an inconsistent state.

The migration process can be stopped with:

avn service update --project PROJECT_NAME --remove-option migration DEST_PG_NAME

The above command removes all logical replication-related objects from both source and destination cluster. If using logical replication, the process stops it. It has no effect for the pg_dump method as it is a one-time operation.


Don’t stop the migration process while it is running state since both the logical replication and pg-dump/pg-restore methods are copying data from the source to the destination cluster.

Once migration is completed successfully, unused replication slots should be removed.

The migration using aiven-db-migrate can also be performed in Python without requiring the Aiven CLI.