Configure Java SSL keystore and truststore to access Apache Kafka®#

Aiven for Apache Kafka® utilises TLS (SSL) to secure the traffic between its services and client applications. This means that clients must be configured with the right tools to be able to communicate with the Aiven services.

Keystores and truststores are password-protected files accessible by the client that interacts with the service. To create these files:

Access service certificates#

  • Log in to Aiven Console and select your Apache Kafka service.

  • Download the Access Key, Access Certificate, and CA Certificate. The files “service.key”, “service.cert”, and “ca.pem” are necessary for the following steps.

    Access Key, Access Certificate, and CA Certificate download from Aiven Console

Create the keystore#

  • Use the openssl utility to create a keystore using the downloaded service.key and service.cert:

    openssl pkcs12 -export      \
      -inkey service.key        \
      -in service.cert          \
      -out client.keystore.p12  \
      -name service_key


    Ensure the keystore format is PKCS12, the default since Java 9.

  • Set a password for the keystore and key when prompted.

Create the truststore#

  • In the directory containing the certificates, use the keytool utility to create a truststore with the ca.pem file:

    keytool -import            \
      -file ca.pem             \
      -alias CA                \
      -keystore client.truststore.jks
  • When prompted, enter a password for the truststore and confirm trust in the CA certificate.

Resulting configuration files#

The process generates two files: “client.keystore.p12” (keystore) and “client.truststore.jks” (truststore). These files are ready for client configuration.


Use the Aiven CLI command avn service user-kafka-java-creds to automate keystore and truststore creation. For more information, see avn service user-kafka-java-creds.